Hello Skip It or Love It Readers!
As the site grows in terms of very busy traffic (thanks to you, peoples of the Internets!), our review needs have only grown exponentially. So many movies and graphic novels to consume and assess. all for our reading public…so many books to read…
And so, I am proud to introduce to you, our resident Book Critic, the extremely talented and incredibly brilliant Naomi Szeben!

Naomi Szeben
This Montreal-born, Toronto-based reading machine with a penchant for heavenly cooking and occasional library late fees has an extensive background in media, having obtained several degrees in Communication, Library Studies and Information Systems over the course of her ongoing education quest.
Also, word has it (and she will vehemently deny it) that she reads so fast, she puts AIs to shame, robots included. Ha!
Naomi’s credits include making the shortlist audition for a recent Master Chef Canada season, along with numerous reviews for the Canadian Childrens’ Book Center, not to mention a half dozen Editor’s Choice Awards for Vancouver based website Suite 101.
Look for Naomi’s reviews of the latest novels for your perusing enjoyment, from a number of Skip It Or Love It’s publishing partners!
What are your reading interests? Use the comments section below!
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