Blu-Ray Review: Glass

By Dominic Messier, Founder, Editor and Film Writer   A much anticipated sequel that was extremely high on hype but oh so short on delivery, M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass ended up being one of those projects fans had waited for in vain, only to be disappointed beyond belief by a flat story that never believed in its…


Now Playing: Shazam!

By Dominic Messier, Founder, Editor and Film Writer   Despite a so-so start to the DC Cinematic Universe compared to the decade-old Marvel Universe, one could say the results have been uneven in terms of theatrical fare, with overloaded storylines (Batman vs Superman) intermixing with excellent one-offs (Aquaman, Wonder Woman.) Then comes a perfectly harmless,…


Blu-Ray Review: Bumblebee

By Dominic Messier, Founder, Editor and Film Writer   After six or so modern-age films about complex cybernetic alien lifeforms battling each other with Earth as a backdrop, audiences were starting to feel a bit of the fatigue from hyper-kinetic fight scenes between Autobots and Decepticons. To add to the problem, very few of the…


Now On Demand: Tom and Grant

By Dominic Messier, Founder, Editor and Veteran Arrowverse Fan   As any seasoned CW fan will tell you, it’s no secret that the cast members from the various DC-based superhero based shows currently on the air weekly – we’re talking The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl and to a certain extent but not yet connected, Titans and Doom Patrol…


Blu-Ray Review: Jonathan

By Dominic Messier, Founder, Editor and Film Writer   There are so many tropes to think of in modern science-fiction, both written and cinematic: there’s time travel, robot Armageddon, space faring and my personal favorite, human evolution by way of genetic advancement or manipulation, leading to your garden variety super soldier or Avenger of choice,…